Free food, fast

We’ve been watching tons of YouTube videos trying to find ways to save money and become healthier.

We ran across this video below talking about vertical farming, they are not talking about the awesome new technology that will bring mass-production of healthy vegetables to cities.

What they are talking about is a great tool created by Troy Albright to help people grow healthy food in very little space with very little resources.  Troy’s company is called True Garden and they create products to help you grow your own food without soil, without weed, or bugs.

What is True Garden?

True Garden is a vertical tower that helps you grow vegetables with no soil, and 90% less water.  They make commercial and residential products for inside and outside growing areas.

Why True Garden?

Cause I am cheap and don’t like to spend $300 going to WholeFoods.  Eating tons of veggies is proven to extend life.  I was never a person who loved eating veggies but after watching The Game Changers, I changed my game and have moved to eat way more veggies than meat.  True Garden was appealing to me because you save money, and produce organic vegetables.  Tools like this are super-efficient compared with traditional gardens and don’t require the amount of land you’d need for your normal

Why eat mostly vegetables?

  1. You will live longer
  2. You will feel better
  3. You will save money
  4. You lower your odds of getting diseases (especially diet-related diseases like diabetes)
  5. MOST Importantly you can make so many awesome dishes (checkout our Pinterest board below for some ideas)